



张玉莹 女 1996年5月5日 硕士研究生 本科期间曾获校级优秀学生、校级优秀毕业论文、三次获得国家励志奖学金,学习之余,也多次参加校级和国家级的医学技术技能大赛,并获得了一等奖、三等奖等成绩。

教育经历:2016.9-2021.7 山东第一医科大学 预防医学

              2021.9-至今   青岛大学        公共卫生


zhang yuying   woman   5th May,1996

master degree candidate   During the period, I was awarded university-level outstanding Student, university-level outstanding graduation thesis, and national Encouragement scholarship for three times. Besides, I also participated in university-level and national-level medical technology skills competitions for many times, and won the first prize and the third prize.

Education : 2016.9-2021.7  Shandong First Medical University  Preventive Medicine

                  2021.9- today   Qingdao University      Master of Public Health